Code of Conduct & ISSCR Policies

The ISSCR is committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment that fosters open dialogue and discussion and the exchange of scientific ideas, while promoting respect and equal treatment for all participants, free of harassment and discrimination. All participants at ISSCR events are expected to treat others with respect and consideration, follow venue rules, and alert staff or security, if at an onsite meeting, of any dangerous situations or anyone in distress. Attendees are expected to uphold standards of scientific integrity and professional ethics. These policies comprise the Code of Conduct for all ISSCR meetings and events and apply to all attendees, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, staff, contractors, volunteers, media, and guests.

  • The ISSCR welcomes differences and diversity of perspectives.  All attendees and staff are expected to treat each other with courtesy and respect during meetings, presentations, and social events. The ISSCR prohibits any form of harassment, sexual or otherwise. Incidents should immediately be reported to ISSCR staff or via email at and will be kept confidential. 

  • By registering for an ISSCR meeting, you agree to the society’s Recording Policy. The ISSCR strictly prohibits the recording (photographic, screen capture, audio and/or video), copying or downloading of scientific results from the sessions, presentations, and/or posters at its meetings.

  • Abstract content may not be announced, publicized, or distributed before the presentation date and time in any way including in media stories, blogs, and social media. ISSCR does permit promotion of general topics, speakers, and presentation days and times. This embargo policy applies to all formats of abstract publication—including abstracts in electronic or print version of Meeting Program Books/Poster Abstract Books, online via the Program Planner and Poster Abstract PDFs, the society’s website(s), and other publications.

  • Media Policy

    The ISSCR invites science journalists to cover science presented at its meetings and events in adherence with the society's Media Policy. Still photography and video and/or audio taping of the sessions, presentations and posters at ISSCR meetings and events are strictly prohibited. Intent to communicate or disseminate results or discussion presented at ISSCR meetings and events is prohibited until the start of each individual presentation.

    Journalists may apply to receive complimentary credentials to attend events in person or virtually as well as to access on-demand content.

    Communications Policy

    By registering for an ISSCR meeting, you agree to receive transaction-related communications through email. Further, you acknowledge that your image or recording may be used by the ISSCR in future promotional communications including email, social media channels, video, and on ISSCR websites. Additionally, you agree to abide by the communications, recording, and media embargo policies.

    For related questions about the ISSCR Media & Communications Policy, please contact Kym Kilbourne at

  • By registering for an ISSCR in-person event you agree to release the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) and its sponsors and exhibitors, and their employees and agents, from and against claims, liabilities and expenses arising from injury, sickness or death from contraction or spread of COVID-19 or other communicable disease due to travel to, or attendance at, an ISSCR event. You agree to take necessary precautions to ensure your own, and others’ safety. By registering, you agree not to attend any ISSCR event if you feel sick or have had recent exposure to COVID-19 or other communicable diseases.

    By registering for an ISSCR in-person event, you agree to the following conditions:

    • You agree to abide by any COVID-19 rules and regulations that may be set forth by the host city and venue location and/or the ISSCR for the duration of the event and understand regulations are subject to change based on federal and local guidelines and the ISSCR’s discretion.

    • You verify that you are vaccinated for COVID-19 and agree to provide proof of vaccination and/or a negative COVID-19 test if requested. You understand that travel and gathering involves risk of sickness and will take the necessary precautions to ensure your and others’ safety. This is subject to change based on federal and local guidelines and the ISSCR’s discretion.

  • If an ISSCR in-person event transitions to a fully virtual event, all in-person registrations will automatically be converted into virtual registrations and the price difference will be refunded. The refunded amount will be calculated based on your registration date. Should a registrant choose not to attend the virtual event, the registrant will be eligible to request a full refund until the event’s cancellation and refund deadline. After the event’s cancellation and refund deadline, no refunds will be issued.

    If an ISSCR in-person event transitions to a fully virtual event or is cancelled in its entirety, the ISSCR’s responsibility is limited to the registration fees paid. The ISSCR is not responsible for other expenses incurred such as airfare and/or hotel accommodation expenses.