Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation

Table of Contents

Keith Alm Keith Alm

1. Fundamental Ethical Principles

The primary societal mission of basic biomedical research and its clinical translation is to alleviate and prevent human suffering caused by illness and injury. All such biomedical research is a collective effort.

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The primary societal mission of basic biomedical research and its clinical translation is to alleviate and prevent human suffering caused by illness and injury. All such biomedical research is a collective effort. It depends on the public support and contributions of many individuals, including scientists, clinicians, patients and their advocates, research participants, members of industry, regulators and other governmental officials, legislators, and others. Such individuals often work across institutions, professions, and national boundaries and are governed by different social and cultural beliefs, regulatory systems, and expectations for moral conduct. Each may also be working toward different goals. When this collective effort works well, the social mission of responsible basic research and clinical translation is achieved efficiently alongside the private interests of its various contributors.

Ethical principles and guidelines help secure the basis for this collective effort together with an internationally coordinated framework to regulate research at all levels, including clinical trials and market access to proven interventions. This helps to give the public and research funding organizations confidence that generally accepted ethical boundaries will not be crossed in either basic or clinical research. Patients should be able to enroll in clinical research trusting that studies are well justified, appropriately designed and ethically sound, the risks and burdens are reasonable in relation to potential benefits, the quality and manufacturing of the experimental product fulfills the standards expected for safe human administration, and the study will collect meaningful information to support further development of the intervention. Physicians and payers need to be confident that the evidence they use to make important healthcare decisions is rigorous and unbiased. Organizations, including private firms, can invest in research and product development programs knowing that products will be promptly and fairly evaluated by regulators.

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Guidelines pertain to human stem cell research, clinical translation, and related research activities. These guidelines promote an ethical, practical, appropriate, and sustainable enterprise for stem cell research and the development of cell therapies that will improve human health and should be available for patients in need. These guidelines do not supersede local laws and regulations. However, they complement existing legal frameworks and can inform the interpretation and development of laws applicable to stem cell research as well as provide guidance for research practices not covered by legislation. These guidelines build on a set of widely shared ethical principles in science, research with human subjects, and medicine (Nuremberg Code, 1949; Decleration of Helsinki of the WMA, 1964; Department of Health, and Education and Welfare, 1979; European Science Foundation, 2000; Medical Professionalism Project, 2002; Institute of Medicine, 2009; World Medical Association, 2018; Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, 2016). Some of the guidelines that follow are applicable to all basic research and clinical translation efforts. Others respond to challenges that are especially relevant to stem cell-based research and interventions. These include sensitivities surrounding research activities that involve the use of human embryos and gametes, irreversible risks associated with some cell-based interventions, including those that involve genome editing, the vulnerability and pressing medical needs of patients with serious illnesses and medical conditions that currently lack effective treatments, public expectations about medical advance and access, and competitiveness within this research context.

Integrity of the Research Enterprise

The primary goals of stem cell research are to advance scientific understanding, to generate evidence for addressing unmet medical and public health needs, and to develop safe and efficacious therapies for patients. This research should be overseen by qualified investigators and conducted in a manner that maintains public confidence. Research, whether basic, preclinical or clinical, must ensure that the information obtained will be trustworthy, reliable, accessible, and responsive to scientific uncertainties and priority health needs. Key processes for maintaining the integrity of the research enterprise include those for independent peer review and oversight, replication, institutional oversight, and accountability at each stage of research.

Primacy of Patient/Participant Welfare

Physicians and physician-researchers owe their primary duty of care to patients and/or research subjects. They must never excessively place vulnerable patients or research subjects at risk. Clinical testing should never allow promise for future patients to override the welfare of current research subjects. Further, human subjects should be stringently protected from procedures offering no prospect of benefit that involve greater than a minor increase over minimal risk. The application of stem cell-based interventions outside formal research settings should occur after products have been authorized by regulators and proven safe and efficacious, include long-term patient follow-up and adverse event reporting, and serve patients’ best interests. It should also ensure similar standards of product quality and safety expected for early clinical use and be conducted in authorized establishments operating under a formal regulatory framework. Promising innovative strategies should be systematically evaluated as early as possible and before application in large populations. It is a breach of professional medical ethics and responsible scientific practices to market or provide stem cell-based interventions prior to rigorous and independent expert review of safety and efficacy and appropriate regulatory approval.

Respect for Patients and Research Subjects

Researchers, clinical practitioners, and healthcare institutions should empower potential human research participants (human subjects) to exercise valid informed consent where they have adequate decision-making capacity. Patients, whether in research or care settings, must be offered accurate information about risks and the current state of evidence for novel stem cell-based interventions. Where individuals lack such capacity, surrogate consent should be obtained from lawfully authorized representatives.


Researchers should promote the timely exchange of accurate scientific information to other interested parties. Researchers should communicate with various public groups, such as patient communities and individuals from the emerging do-it-yourself biology movement, to respond to their reasonable requests for relevant and needed information, and they should convey the scientific state of the art, including uncertainty about the safety, reliability, or efficacy of potential applications. Researchers and sponsors should promote open and prompt sharing of ideas, methods, data, and materials by publishing, in a timely manner, positive and negative results.

Social and Distributive Justice

Fairness demands that the benefits of clinical translation efforts should be distributed justly and globally, with particular emphasis on addressing unmet medical and public health needs. To that end, the scientific community is encouraged to work with private and public funders to emphasize addressing unmet needs by helping to identify promising areas of research, development, and application.

Social justice considerations include challenges due to structural injustices, such as socioeconomic inequalities, extant discriminatory practices, and histories of exclusion and marginalization. Advantaged populations should make efforts to share any benefits of research with disadvantaged populations. This would include ‘capacity building,’ both training and establishment of facilities, which gives benefit in the longer term. There should also be appropriate sharing of the burdens with disadvantaged populations. Trials should strive to enroll populations that reflect diversity such as age, sex, gender identity, and ethnicity. Risks and burdens associated with clinical translation should not be borne by populations that are unlikely to benefit from the knowledge produced in these efforts. The scientific community is encouraged to work with governments and industry to develop mechanisms to reduce the cost of clinical applications.

Generally, healthcare delivery systems, governments, insurance providers, and patients should not bear the financial costs of proving the safety and efficacy of experimental stem cell-based interventions. However, in some cases these parties may choose to fund clinical development, for example if there is an unmet medical need and insufficient investment from the commercial sector. Where there is a clear and substantial commercial potential for a product, the costs of testing safety and efficacy should be met by the investors. Developers should endeavor to reduce the cost of new products to make them accessible to as many patients as possible.


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2. Laboratory-based Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Embryo Research, and Related Research Activities

Stem cell and embryo research show great promise for advancing our understanding of human development and disease, including research to address issues pertinent to the earliest stages of human development

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Stem cell and embryo research show great promise for advancing our understanding of human development and disease, including research to address issues pertinent to the earliest stages of human development, such as: the causes of miscarriage; epigenetic, genetic and chromosomal disorders; and human reproduction. Furthermore, the derivation of some types of stem cell lines necessitates the use of human embryos. 

Scientific research on and with human embryos and embryonic stem cell lines in culture is viewed as ethically permissible in many countries when performed under rigorous scientific and ethical oversight. This is consistent with policy statements of other organizations, most notably, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (Ethics in Embryo Research Task Force and Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2020), the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE Taskforce on Ethics and Law, 2001), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2006) and the United Kingdom (UK) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (2019). Creating embryos for research, which is permitted in relatively few jurisdictions, is required to develop and ensure both standard and novel methods involving IVF (including the use of mitochondrial replacement techniques, in vitro derived gametes, etc.) are safe, efficient, and effective as well as to give information about the first steps of human development.

This section of the Guidelines pertains to:

  1. The banking, derivation, distribution, and preclinical use of human pluripotent stem cells, including human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).

  2. The procurement of human embryos, gametes, and somatic cells for stem cell research and in vitro embryo studies not explicitly entailing stem cell derivation.

  3. The transfer of human pluripotent stem cells into animal host embryos in vitro.

  4. Generation of stem cell-based models of human development.

  5. Animal research that involves the transfer of human stem cells or their direct derivatives into animal hosts.

Institutions and researchers conducting basic research with these human cells and tissues should follow the guidelines insofar as they pertain to the categories of review discussed below.


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3. Clinical Translation of Stem Cell-based Interventions

Stem cell and embryo research show great promise for advancing our understanding of human development and disease, including research to address issues pertinent to the earliest stages of human development

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This section highlights the scientific, clinical, regulatory, ethical, and social issues that should be addressed so that basic stem cell research is responsibly translated into appropriate clinical applications.

The rapid advances in stem cell research and genome editing technologies have created high expectations for the promise of regenerative medicine and gene- and cell-based therapies. As the field advances, it is important to balance the excitement from patients, scientists, clinicians, and the media over the growing number of clinical trials for serious diseases with the requirement to rigorously evaluate the safety and effectiveness of each potential new intervention. There have been instances where some clinical applications and clinical trials occurred far in advance of what is warranted by sound, rigorous, and dispassionately assessed preclinical evidence. Clinical experimentation is burdensome for research subjects and expensive; therefore, new interventions should only advance to clinical trials when there is a compelling scientific rationale, a plausible mechanism of action, and an acceptable chance of success. Furthermore, the safety and effectiveness of new interventions must be demonstrated in well-designed and expertly-conducted clinical trials with approval by regulators before the interventions are offered in direct-to-consumer settings to patients or incorporated into standard clinical care. Finally, any premature clinical testing of a promising new technology may jeopardize its further development if some adverse event emerges due to inadequate trial design or product manufacturing. Stem cell science is best positioned to fulfill its potential by adhering to a commonly accepted and robust set of guidelines for evidence-based therapy development.


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Liza Boscow Liza Boscow

4. Communications

Stem cell research receives a great deal of attention from policymakers, the popular press, and popular culture, including social media. Given its scientific and clinical potential and the controversies that have surrounded the field, this high public profile is understandable. However, popular coverage and reporting in the medical literature are frequently far from ideal.

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Stem cell research receives a great deal of attention from policymakers, the popular press, and popular culture, including social media. Given its scientific and clinical potential and the controversies that have surrounded the field, this high public profile is understandable. However, popular coverage and reporting in the medical literature are frequently far from ideal. The potential benefits of stem cell-based interventions are sometimes exaggerated and the challenges, including their clinical application and risks, are often understated. Inaccurate or incomplete representations can have tangible impacts on the expectations of the general public, patient communities, physicians, and on the setting of health and science policies. Companies and individuals marketing stem cells for unproven clinical uses exploit those inaccurate and incomplete representations.

Public Representation of Science
Recommendation 4.1: The stem cell research community should promote accurate, current, balanced, and responsive public representations of stem cell research.

The high level of public and media interest in the field provides stem cell scientists with ample opportunities to communicate their findings through a variety of popular and social media channels. The research community is encouraged to responsibly engage interactively with the public through outreach and communications and by providing opportunities for public comment and feedback on scientific advances.

While such opportunities may allow scientists to gain recognition and understanding for their work among non-specialists, they also have the potential to fuel inaccurate public perceptions about the current state of scientific progress, potential for application, and associated risks and uncertainties (Kamenova and Caulfield, 2015). Scientists, clinicians, bioethicists, science communications professionals at academic and research institutions, and industry spokespersons should strive to ensure that benefits, risks, and uncertainties of stem cell science are not understated, misrepresented or overstated (see Recommendation Additionally, due to public interest and concern in the ethics of human pluripotent stem cell research, and in order to ensure complete transparency of research and translational activities, the origin of stem cell materials should be clearly specified in all communications.

Care should be exercised throughout the science communication process, including in the promotion of research and translation activities, as well as in the presentation of scientific results, the use of social media, and in any communication with print and broadcast media. Particular caution should be exercised when preparing press releases and other types of promotional material. Researchers should make efforts to seek timely corrections of inaccurate or misleading public representations of research projects, achievements, or goals. Scientists should also be particularly careful about disclosing research findings that have not passed peer review, as premature reporting can undermine public confidence if findings are subsequently disproven. For example, if researchers post online preprints that have not been peer-reviewed, readers should be informed of the preliminary nature of such manuscripts. 

Researchers must intentionally avoid and correct inaccurate misconceptions in any communications regarding chimeras, genome editing, and other issues with a long history in the public imagination. While organoids, chimeras, embryo models, and other stem cell-based models are useful research tools offering possibilities for further scientific progress, limitations on the current state of scientific knowledge and regulatory constraints must be clearly explained in any communications with the public or media. Suggestions that any of the current in vitro models can recapitulate an intact embryo, human sentience or integrated brain function are unfounded overstatements that should be avoided and contradicted with more precise characterizations of current understanding. This is particularly relevant to brain organoids and human-animal chimeras, where any statements implying human cognitive abilities, human consciousness or self-awareness, as well as phrases or graphical representations suggesting human-like cognitive abilities risks misleading the public and sowing doubts about the legitimate nature of such research. Likewise, forward-looking statements on inherently uncertain developments, such as predictions on time required until clinical application, the likelihood of product approval, or speculation on the potential economic impact of currently unrealized technologies, must be accurate, circumspect, and restrained. 

The stem cell community should work closely with communications professionals at their institution to create information resources that are easy to understand without oversimplifying, and that do not underplay risks and uncertainties or exaggerate potential benefits. Similarly, research-sponsoring institutions and communications professionals have a responsibility to ensure that any informational materials referring to research achievements adhere to these principles. Additionally, the scientists in charge of the research findings that are featured in informational materials should review and agree to the content prior to release. For potentially sensitive or high-profile cases, it is advisable to seek additional comments from independent experts to ensure objectivity and balance, place research in context of existing body of evidence, and help identify study limitations and alternative interpretations of key findings. 

Communications about Clinical Trials
Recommendation 4.2: When describing clinical trials in the media or in medical communications, investigators, sponsors, and institutions should provide balance and not emphasize statistically significant secondary results when pre-specified primary efficacy results are not statistically significant.

Too often, studies reporting statistically non-significant primary outcomes are “spun” by appealing to other findings, such as statistically significant secondary outcomes (Boutron et al., 2010). Such reporting practices can distort the medical and public interpretation of trial results. When communicating clinical research results, scientists, institutions, and journalists should clearly state the pre-specified primary endpoint of the study and whether or not it was reached with statistical significance. This standard should apply to conference abstracts, press releases directed at investors and other parties, and peer-reviewed publications.

Clinical trials designed to evaluate safety and efficacy should not be described using language that might suggest their primary intent to be the delivery of care, as this may lead to confusion about the risk/benefit ratio of study participation (see also Recommendation Communications about ongoing studies should explain that clinical efficacy is not established, and that the results may reveal the intervention to be ineffective or, in some cases, harmful.

Scientists should collaborate with patient and advocacy groups promote a clear understanding of the clinical research process and the current state of progress in developing stem cell-based treatments for specific medical conditions. Accordingly, all involved in clinical research, including not only investigators and sponsoring institutions but also patients, study participants, funding bodies, families and advocacy groups, should exercise caution when communicating with the public. Additionally, researchers should exercise great care when making forward-looking statements regarding the potential outcome of any study.

Communications about Clinical Care
Recommendation 4.3: The provision of information to patients considering stem cell-based interventions must be consistent with the primacy of patient welfare, scientific and ethical integrity.

The provision of accurate information on risks, limitations, possible benefits, and available alternatives to patients is essential in the delivery of healthcare. Provision of clinical information, including recommendations on use, should center on the importance of consultation with medical professionals directly familiar with the individual patient’s case, and the seeking of independent expert opinion. The goal of clinical communications is to enable autonomous, well-informed decision-making by patients.

Language suggesting that novel interventions are “curative” should be avoided in the absence of evidence of complete or permanent relief of a disease or condition. A cure means that individuals do not experience ongoing morbidity or adverse effects from the disease or condition targeted by the intervention. Cures must be validated with long-term studies demonstrating that the treated patients have a similar annual death rate from all causes to that of the disease-free population group of the same sex and age distribution (Easson et al., 1963; Frei et al., 1971; Ravi et al., 2018). 

Given the novelty of stem cell-based interventions and the fact that many countries do not have well-established regulatory pathways governing the introduction of novel medical products into clinical use, clinicians should exercise restraint in their communications regarding the clinical utility of such treatments. The use of patient anecdotes, testimonials or other language that could be construed as promotional, promissory, or suggestive of clinical effectiveness in reference to stem cell-based interventions for which efficacy has not been established is to be avoided. In the event that new stem cell-based interventions are authorized for use for a specified indication, care must be taken to avoid communications that might indicate or suggest to patients that such intervention is efficacious for other indications.

Regulatory and law enforcement authorities are encouraged to investigate and, when appropriate, restrict unsupported marketing claims made by commercial actors, to the extent that these violate relevant consumer protection, truth in advertising, securities, and commerce laws within a given jurisdiction.

When approved stem cell products are used for off-label indications, communications should clearly specify that such interventions will be used on an off-label basis. Such communications should explain the difference between administering products according to the marketing labels approved by regulatory bodies and off-label use that lacks such approval. Many countries have legal restrictions concerning marketing claims related to off-label use. Such constraints are intended to ensure that advertising claims are evidence-based and promotional rhetoric does not go beyond credible safety and efficacy data and related regulatory approvals. 


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5. Standards in Stem Cell Research

Translation of cell-based interventions is a collaborative endeavor among scientists, clinics, industry, regulators, and patients. Standards help enable such collaborations and support efficient clinical translation in many ways.

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Translation of cell-based interventions is a collaborative endeavor among scientists, clinics, industry, regulators, and patients. Standards help enable such collaborations and support efficient clinical translation in many ways. For instance, they allow scientists to compare the outcomes of trials and enable clinics to reproduce treatments reported in published studies. Regulatory standards also reduce the costs of uncertainty for private actors, facilitate an independent review, and engender trust among patients.

Standards Development
Recommendation 5.1: Researchers, industry, and regulators should work towards developing and implementing standards on design, conduct, interpretation, preclinical safety testing, and reporting of research in stem cell science and medicine.

There are numerous areas where standards development would greatly advance the science of stem cells and its clinical application. Gaps and priorities for standard developments should be extensively and thoroughly studied to meet the rapid advancement of stem cell science and medicine. Particular opportunities topics include but not limited to standards for: 

  1. Source materials: (a) consent, (b) procurement, (c) manufacturing regulations, (d) cell potency assays primary quality attributes, (e) reference materials for calibrating instruments;

  2. Process controls: (a) detection and inspection, (b) biobanking of stem cells, (c) minimally acceptable changes during cell culture, (d) method of delivery and selection of recipients for novel stem cell-based interventions, (e) reporting of animal experiments, (f) design of trials, (g) reporting of trials, (h) principles for defining information in datasets as “sensitive” such that there is a justified withholding or delay of study reporting.

  3. Instrument, facility, environment and personnel;

  4. Analytical methods; and

  5. Data processing.

Scientists, regulators, funders, patient groups, and others involved in stem cell research should collaborate on the timely development of standards for stem cell research and translation. To promote common and universal standards for consent and procurement of biomaterials, the ISSCR has provided template donor consent forms (Appendix 2). 

Revisiting the ISSCR Guidelines
Recommendation 5.2: The ISSCR guidelines should be periodically revised to accommodate scientific advances, new challenges, and evolving social priorities.

New scientific opportunities and ethical challenges in the conduct of stem cell research and stem cell-based interventions that are on the horizon must be addressed in a timely manner to ensure that science and medical care proceed in a socially responsible and ethically acceptable fashion. Periodic revision enhances the likelihood that the international scientific research community will be bound together by a common set of principles governing the performance of stem cell research.


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These guidelines were prepared by the Task Force to Update the ISSCR Guidelines, charged with revising and updating ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation.

The task force thanks the many individuals and organizations who reviewed the draft guidelines and provided comments or otherwise contributed to our deliberations.

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ISSCR Guidelines Update Task Force

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Steering Committee

Chair - Robin Lovell-Badge, CBE, FRS FMedSci, Francis Crick Institute, UK

Melissa Carpenter, PhD, ElevateBio, USA

R. Alta Charo, J.D., University of Wisconsin, USA

Amander Clark, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

George Q. Daley, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School, USA

Insoo Hyun, PhD, Harvard Medical School, USA

Jürgen Knoblich, PhD, IMBA-Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austria

Heather Rooke, PhD, Broad Institute, USA

Janet Rossant, CC, FRS, FRSC, Gairdner Foundation/SickKids, Canada

Douglas Sipp, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Japan and Keio University School of Medicine, Japan

Working Group Members

Roger Barker, Cambridge Center for Brain Repair, UK

Tania Bubela, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Ali H. Brivanlou, The Rockefeller University, USA

Ellen Clayton, Vanderbilt University, USA

Yali Cong, Peking University, China

Jianping Fu, University of Michigan, USA

Misao Fujita, Kyoto University, Japan

Andy Greenfield, MRC Harwell Institute, UK

Steve Goldman, University of Rochester Medical Center, USA

Lori Hill, MD Anderson, USA

Rosario Isasi, University of Miami, USA

Jeffrey Kahn, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Kazuto Kato, Osaka University, Japan

Jin-Soo Kim, Seoul National University, Korea

Jonathan Kimmelman, McGill University, Canada

Debra Mathews, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Nuria Montserrat, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Spain

Megan Munsie, University of Melbourne, Australia

Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Stanford University, USA/University of Tokyo, Japan

Luigi Naldini, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy

Gail Naughton, Histogen, USA

Kathy Niakan, Francis Crick Institute, UK

Ubaka Ogbogu, University of Alberta, Canada

Roger Pedersen, Stanford University, USA

Nicolas Rivron, IMBA-Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austria

Jeff Round, Institute of Health Economics, Canada

Mitinori Saitou, Kyoto University, Japan

Julie Steffann, Université Paris Descartes, France

Jeremy Sugarman, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Azim Surani, University of Cambridge, UK

Jun Takahashi, Kyoto University, Japan

Fuchou Tang, Peking University, China

Leigh Turner, University of Minnesota, USA

Patti Zettler, Ohio State University, USA

Xiaomei Zhai, Peking Union Medical College, China


Supported by ISSCR staff

Jack Mosher, Scientific Affairs, Senior Manager

Glori Rosenson, Director of Outreach


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Appendix 1. The Transfer of Human Stem Cells or their Direct Derivatives into Animal Hosts


Appendix 2. Sample Informed Consent Documents for Procurement of Human Biomaterials for Stem Cell Research


Appendix 3. Informed Consent Considerations for Procurement of Cells and Tissues for Stem Cell Research and Translation


Appendix 4. Sample Material Transfer Agreement Document


Appendix 5. Considerations for Genome Editing Research


Appendix 6. Informed Consent Standard for Stem Cell-Based Interventions Offered Outside of Formal Clinical Trials


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Definitions and discussion of terminology relevant to these guidelines is found in Glossary pages G.1 – G.5. by using the left navigation or the Next button. Other definitions can be found at

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©2022 by The International Society for Stem Cell Research. All rights reserved.

Key Topics

Excerpts from the 2021 guidelines update.

Additional Resources

Addition context; papers written by members off the 2021 ISSCR Guidelines Steering Committee:

“Why stem cell guidelines needed an update: New criteria aim to reassure the public to permit progress in contentious research,” by Lovell-Badge (Nature)

“ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation: The 2021 Update,” by Lovell-Badge et al., ISSCR Guidelines Taskforce (Stem Cell Reports)

“Human Embryo Research, Stem Cell-derived Embryo Models and In Vitro Gametogenesis: Considerations Leading to the Revised ISSCR Guidelines,” Clark et al., (Stem Cell Reports)

“ISSCR Guidelines for the Transfer of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Their Direct Derivatives into Animal Hosts,” by Hyun et al. (Stem Cell Reports)

“ISSCR’s Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation: Supporting the Development of Safe and Efficacious Stem Cell-Based Interventions,” by Turner (Stem Cell Reports)

"New Guidelines for Stem Cell and Embryo Research from the ISSCR," by Anthony et al. (Cell Stem Cell)

"ISSCR Guidelines Uphold Human Right to Science for Benefit of All," by Robin Lovell-Badge, Zubin Master, and Bartha Knoppers (Nature)

Visit The Archives for the previous versions of the ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation, as well as their translations.