Sponsorships, Exhibits & Advertising

Our relationship with sponsors, exhibitors, and advertisers is a true partnership based on the belief that breakthrough cures, treatments, and technologies take breakthrough collaboration. Together, we can build a pipeline for success.

Partner with ISSCR

  • Download the Year-Round Advertising Opportunities PDF

    Our relationship with sponsors, exhibitors, and advertisers is a partnership based on the belief that breakthrough cures, treatments, and technologies take breakthrough collaboration. Together, we can build a pipeline for success.

    Get started today by contacting:

    Chris Barry, Director of Strategic Partnerships

    Andrew Podczerwinski, Senior Business Development Coordinator

  • Reach ISSCR’s community year-round! Have your ads follow ISSCR website visitors wherever they go around the web to increase your brand visibility or to help promote featured products. The current targeted audience is nearly 90,000 members of our community.

    Ultimate: 6 months, 100K impressions, $7,000

    Premium: 3 months, 50K impressions, $4,500

    First Impression: 1 month, 25,000 impressions, $3,000

  • The ISSCR’s new podcast, The Stem Cell Report with Martin Pera, an internationally recognized stem cell pioneer and the dynamic editor-in-chief of Stem Cell Reports, explores basic discoveries in stem cell research and its application. Dr. Pera goes “beyond the paper,” bringing authors together to draw new insights and explore the questions and creativity that drive new breakthroughs. Sponsor an episode and receive:

    • 30 second commercial midway through the episode

    • Sponsor recognition and hyperlink on episode page

    • Mention in the intro of the episode as a sponsor

    • Tagging in social media posts promoting the episode

    • Sponsor recognition on the ISSCR Podcast homepage listing

    $2,000 USD/episode


    Align your brand with the ISSCR mission to promote excellence in stem cell research and applications in human health, demonstrate leadership in specific areas of practice, and attract the next generation of talent.


    An opportunity to interact with thousands of principal investigators, group leaders, industry executives, and decision-makers from around the globe. The ISSCR Exhibit Hall is designed for powerful connection in-person and online.


    The ISSCR reaches 40,000+ contacts of the research community through monthly digital newsletters, and many thousands more with retargeted digital advertisements and program publications.

Advertising in ISSCR News

ISSCR News is the monthly ISSCR digital newsletter that is sent to more than 40,000 people in the global stem cell community. Each month’s issue contains timely, quality information of interest to stem cell researchers. Popular features include ISSCR highlights, recent public policy and advocacy efforts, pivotal scientific publications, news, and events.

ISSCR News is delivered on the second Tuesday of each month. Ad materials must be received at least two weeks prior to publication. Reservations for 2024-2025 are currently being accepted.

Place your ad in ISSCR News to:

  • Introduce a product or service

  • Raise your profile with a qualified, engaged audience

  • Highlight a job opening

  • Promote your business

Advertisements Offered Per Issue

  • $ 3,500 USD/issue

    • Image dimensions are 600 px wide x 100 px high.

    • Static ads are accepted as JPG or PNG format.

    • You will provide the URL with artwork to link to your ad.

  • $ 2,000 USD/issue

    • Image dimensions are 600 px wide x 100 px high.

    • Static ads are accepted as JPG or PNG format.

    • You will provide the URL with artwork to link to your ad.

  • $ 5,500 USD/issue

    • Article contains 100 words of text, plus headline.

    • Sections of the text can be hyper linked to your website, videos, or other resources.

    • Image dimensions are 180 px wide x 115 px high, all images must be in JPG or PNG formats

    See Guidelines for Sponsored Thought Leadership Articles below for more information.

General Advertising Guidelines

Advertisers are welcome to promote their products and services so far as they are in alignment with the ISSCR. As of 14 July 2021, advertisements that include the following subject matter are prohibited.

Prohibited Subject Matter:

  • Clinical trials, therapies, or drugs

  • Meetings and conferences

  • Journals

  • Travel awards offered independently of the ISSCR

  • Membership

  • Anything that may be deemed to be not in alignment with the ISSCR. The ISSCR reserves the right to reject any submission.

Guidelines for Thought Leadership Articles

Thought Leadership Articles are your original content and should not appear to be provided by or authored by the ISSCR in any way. Articles can be up to 100 words and must be educational and inform the reader about some aspect of stem cell biology, research, application, technique, or therapy.

Content may take the form of one of the following;

  • Narrative

  • Question & Answer

  • Product, technique, or technology highlight

Companies may purchase Thought Leadership Articles up to two times per year. There must be a minimum of 6 months between sponsored content from the same company. This section will include a disclaimer that this is sponsored content created and paid for by the content provider and does not necessarily represent or reflect the views of the ISSCR.