Scientists Aim to Decode the Genetic Roots of Mental Illness on a Large Scale
Press Release Kym Kilbourne Press Release Kym Kilbourne

Scientists Aim to Decode the Genetic Roots of Mental Illness on a Large Scale

Neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders (NPD) including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, and depression are detrimental to individuals, their families and society as a whole, and in many cases still lack effective treatments. It’s becoming more and more clear that genetic mutations in certain genes can increase the likelihood of developing NPD, and several hundreds of those “risk genes” have been identified to date, but their role related to NPD remains a mystery.

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Reading Your Biological Age in Your Blood or Saliva? It’s Not as Simple as That
Press Release Kym Kilbourne Press Release Kym Kilbourne

Reading Your Biological Age in Your Blood or Saliva? It’s Not as Simple as That

How old are you, really? Your chronological age is the number of years you have been alive. Your biological age is how old your cells are which scientists believe may better assess one’s age-related health and disease risk. A recent study by Konrad Hochedlinger, Rebecca Gorelov and colleagues from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, aims to shed light on this question, asking how the presence of stem cells within a given tissue or organ impacts its epigenetic clock.

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New Podcast Episode. Evaluating the Expanding Models of Brain Disease
Announcements Megan Koch Announcements Megan Koch

New Podcast Episode. Evaluating the Expanding Models of Brain Disease

In this episode of The Stem Cell Report, our guests review the use of models of neurodevelopment to understand neuropsychiatric diseases, focusing on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, Down syndrome, and schizophrenia and provide critical appraisal of the impact of human-rodent xenografting approaches for advancing our understanding of those diseases and brain development.

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New Podcast Episode. Going Out on a LIM: Rethinking the Role of LMX1A in Patterning Dopaminergic Neurons
Announcements Megan Koch Announcements Megan Koch

New Podcast Episode. Going Out on a LIM: Rethinking the Role of LMX1A in Patterning Dopaminergic Neurons

This episode of The Stem Cell Report will discuss the process of directing stem cells to acquire the proper identity, an essential step in the development of effective and durable cell replacement therapies. Specifically, we will talk about the process of directing cells into a ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic fate for treating Parkinson’s disease. 

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