Voting Opens for 2023 ISSCR Board of Directors and Officers
Help to shape the future of your society by voting in the 2023 ISSCR Board of Directors election. Each year, together, we select global leaders to be our representatives — as champions, thought leaders, and stewards of the field. Your vote matters.
ISSCR Convenes Task Force on Public Engagement; Adds Session to Annual Meeting
The ISSCR has expanded programming at the 2023 annual meeting to include a new Policy, Ethics, and Standards concurrent track at the society’s hallmark event taking place 14-17 June 2023 in Boston, USA. The new programming offers attendees an opportunity to learn more and offer feedback on the society’s initiatives including the newly formed Public Engagement Task Force, chaired by Robin Lovell-Badge, Francis Crick Institute, UK.
The ISSCR Urges Appropriations Leaders to Swiftly Pass a Final FY 2023 Labor-HHS-Education Spending Bill
The ISSCR joined with 283 members of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research to urge U.S. House and Senate members to swiftly finalize a fiscal year (FY) 2023 spending package that prioritizes robust investments in agencies and programs that improve the nation’s health and well-being, including funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The ISSCR Announces New Stem Cell Reports Early Career Editorial Board
The ISSCR has selected 10 distinguished early career scientists to service on the first Stem Cell Reports Early Career Editorial Board (ECEB). Stem Cell Reports is the peer-reviewed, open access, online journal of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR).
ISSCR Guidelines Update Now Available in German
The ISSCR is pleased to announce the availability of the German language version of the ISSCR 2021 Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation. The following groups and individuals collaborated on the translation.
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