What Is Scientific Excellence and What Is the Role of Celebrating It?
Message from the President Kym Kilbourne Message from the President Kym Kilbourne

What Is Scientific Excellence and What Is the Role of Celebrating It?

We often equate scientific excellence with products (i.e. papers that report scientific discoveries), which are often attributed to a single individual. We struggle to define scientific excellence as encompassing equally important contributions such as the processes by which these papers were generated or the scientists, within and outside a lab, with whom co-creation of those papers has occurred.

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Expanding Internationality, Embracing Inclusivity, and Empowering Early Career Scientists
Message from the President Kym Kilbourne Message from the President Kym Kilbourne

Expanding Internationality, Embracing Inclusivity, and Empowering Early Career Scientists

I am still reflecting on the incredible experience at the ISSCR 2024 Annual Meeting in Hamburg, Germany last month listening to groundbreaking science at the talks, posters and in informal chats. Connecting with members of our community provided me with tremendous insight and inspiration. This highly successful annual meeting was created through the vision of Malin Parmar and Agnete Kirkeby in partnership with the members of the 2024 Program Committee, and under the leadership of Amander Clark. This hallmark annual event, along with the scientific programming the ISSCR offers throughout the year, would not be possible without the incredibly talented group of ISSCR staff members who support our program organizers. Their contributions every day to our Society cannot be overstated.

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